Friday, September 11, 2015

Does California's EPA really have an 'intent' to put Glyphosate on its list of 'known' carcinogens?

There have been some recent headlines lately about California's EPA expressing an 'intent' to put glyphosate on its list of 'known' carcinogens.

Here is one example:

Yes, a subgroup of the WHO did suggest not long ago that glyphosate was a 'probable' carcinogen, but I wonder if hairdressers, or third or swing shift workers are going to get a warning printed on their payroll slip telling them that along with roundup herbicide, their profession is known to the state of California to cause cancer?

Here's more:

"In recent years use of glyphosate has exploded from 10 million pounds in 1993 to 280 million pounds in 2012. More than 90 percent of soybeans grown in the United States are genetically modified to withstand Roundup, which ends up in the beans themselves. More glyphosate is found in genetically modified soybeans than non-GMO varieties....The widespread use of this toxic herbicide in GMO food production is one reason more than 90 percent of Americans want foods containing genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled. Americans should have the same right as consumers in 64 other countries around the world when it comes to knowing what’s in their food."

'Widespread use of this toxic herbicide?' That is a very interesting statement. Sure, toxic might make sense in comparison to a pure source of crystal clear mountain spring water. But we are not going to sustainably feed the world on rainbows, fresh cut flowers, and crystal clear water. 

Of all of the chemicals used in modern agriculture, roundup is one that should be most applauded by those with environmental and health concerns, not stigmatized. When you consider its relative toxicity compared to a number of chemistries it has replaced, and its prominent and complementary role in GMO crops and the associated drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, increased practice of no-till, and reduced runoff and groundwater pollution (i.e. nitrates in groundwater and algal blooms among other things) you might consider the roundup + roundup ready technology as one of the 'greenest' technologies ever put on the market.

Of course, maybe there is some inherent rent seeking going on behind the scenes, special interests interested in labeling and others might see the success of a sustainable technology like this as huge barrier to their political agenda, or business strategy (think Chipotle). The more this can be stigmatized in the media and through political means (like labeling or California's prop 65 list) the better they set strategically in advancing their agenda. Of course, it also (at least short term) doesn't hurt the other manufacturers of more toxic chemicals and might help get back some market share! I'm sure those happy about the California news would never consider it, but I think a world without roundup (or glyphosate in general) would be a world with more toxic chemical intensive agriculture.

Oh yeah, and Americans deserve the same right as citizens in 64 other countries and the world for that matter of having a food and regulatory system based on sound science and rigorous economic policy analysis.

See also:

Modern Sustainable Agriculture

Public Choice Theory for Agvocates

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