Thursday, August 24, 2017

Risk, Uncertainty, Speculation and Granger Causality

What is the difference between 'risk' and 'uncertainty'?

"Uncertainty refers to outcomes that we cannot foresee, or whose probabilities that we cannot estimate. In other words, uncertainty is a way of characterizing what we don't know about the distribution of the random variables themselves...Risk can be quantified, priced,and traded. It can even be hedged with large pools of assets." - Froeb et al 2014.Managerial Economics: A problem solving approach. 3rd edition.

This distinction was first made by economist Frank Knight.

Insurance of all kinds and commodity futures markets are examples of financial products based on quantifiable risks. Those involved in these markets, often speculators, have an important role to play. Speculators and futures and options markets make it possible to allocate resources across time, essentially from periods of abundance to periods of scarcity smoothing consumption and alleviating risks.

This is described well in The Economic Way of Thinking:

"Speculators coordinate market exchanges through time...that both inform people and provide them with the opportunity to allocate their risks...Speculators accept the risk at a mutually agreed upon price that hedgers seek to avoid."

Elaine Kub, author of Mastering the Grain Markets puts it beautifully in her book:

"All life on earth depends on agriculture, how well we distribute agriculture's products-how well we trade grain-determines how Earth's population gains access to its most fundamental needs."

However, speculators and funds involved in commodities trading often come under heavy scrutiny perhaps without understanding the important role they play in actually increasing food security as Nevil Speer explains below:

“Reining in speculators seems politically expedient.  But we live in complex times.  Throwing darts becomes perilous when policy makers begin to advocate (and worse yet, actually believe) that speculators should be removed  from ag / food markets.   Such a move would dismantle futures markets.  Imagine what the world might look like a without market liquidity, price discovery and risk mitigation; not to mention the inability to establish pricing plans, attract new capital investment and stimulate innovation across the food business.   The absence of those influences, facilitated by futures markets, would ultimately lead to less food production, availability and security – NOT the other way around.  Taking speculators out of the mix would be devastating.”  Dr. Nevil Speer, No Speculators? No thanks!, Drovers Cattle Network Agsight, March 2011

So what impact have speculators had on markets? One way is to look at the impact of index funds on commodity prices and volatility. Economist Scott Irwin at the University of Illinois has looked at this in depth. Below are three examples of studies (although not a complete review of the literature) looking at these impacts based on granger causality tests and other methods:

The Impact of Index Funds in
Commodity Futures Markets:
A Systems Approach
The Journal of Alternative Investments
Summer 2011, Vol. 14, No. 1: pp. 40-49

"The system of Granger-style causality tests fails to reject the null hypothesis that that trader positions do not lead market returns. Hence, there is no evidence of a linkage between index trader positions in commodity futures markets and price levels."

Irwin, S. H. and D. R. Sanders (2010), “The Impact of Index and Swap Funds on Commodity Futures Markets: Preliminary Results”, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers, No. 27, OECD Publishing. doi: 10.1787/5kmd40wl1t5f-en

“There is no statistically significant relationship indicating that changes in index and swap fund positions have increased market this time, the weight of evidence clearly suggests that increased index fund activity in 2006-08 did not cause a bubble in commodity futures prices.”

Index Trading and Agricultural Commodity Prices:
A Panel Granger Causality Analysis
Gunther Capelle-Blancard and Dramane Coulibaly
CEPII, WP No 2011 – 28
No 2011 – 28

"Our results show that, in agricultural futures markets, there is no evidence of a causality relationship from index funds to futures prices. This result holds for the period 2006-2010, but also for the sub-periods 2006-2008 and 2008-2010. These findings imply that index-based trading has not been an important driver in the substantial increase in commodities prices. Changes in commodity prices may instead reflect fundamental supply and demand factors."


Explained: Knightian uncertainty
The economic crisis has revived an old philosophical idea about risk and uncertainty. But what is it, exactly?
Peter Dizikes, MIT News Office
June 2, 2010

Foeb, Mcann, Ward, and Shor. Managerial Economics: A problem solving approach. 3rd edition. 2008.

The Economic Way of Thinking. Heyne, Boettke, and Prychitko. 10th Edition. 2002.

Mastering the Grain Markets: How profits are really made. Elaine Kub.

See also: 

Fat Tails, Kurtosis, and Risk

Fat Tails, the Precautionary Principle and GMOs

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