Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Food Desert Mirage

If you build a new supermarket in a food desert, will low income households go there to buy healthier food? Are Dollar Stores cornering the market in poor neighborhoods reducing options for healthy food choices?

There is a misconception, a mirage if you will, related to the relationship between proximity of super markets that sell healthy foods and actual consumption and health effects. As discussed in this New Food Economy article 'Is it time to retire the term food desert':

"The idea that supermarkets enter into food deserts and all of a sudden provide access to healthy food is a little bit of a misconception"

Public Health literature provides evidence that households in lower income neighborhoods tend to eat less healthy food. These neighborhoods are often characterized as being food deserts due to the lack of access to healthy groceries for a given geography. Policy and discussion involving food deserts is often colored by an implicit or assumed causal relationship between food deserts (lack of supply of healthy food options) and nutrition and health outcomes. Failure to better understand this causal relationship can lead to potentially bad policy decisions. According to this City Journal article 'Unjust Deserts'  some communities have essentially banned or greatly restricted Dollar General from operating their stores which provide a variety of low priced products. However, some research questions a relationship between food choices and the presence or absence of a Dollar General store.

In a Health Economics Review article (Drichoutis, 2015), using a combination of difference-in-difference and propensity score matched analysis authors looked at the relationship between BMI in children and the proximity of Dollar General Stores and failed to find a relationship.

The authors conclude:

"Combatting the ill effects of a bad diet involves educating people to change their eating habits. That’s a more complicated project than banning dollar stores. Subsidizing the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables through the federal food-stamp program and working harder to encourage kids to eat better—as Michelle Obama tried to do with her Let’s Move! campaign—are among the economists’ suggestions for improving the nation’s diet. That’s not the kind of thing that generates sensational headlines. But it makes a lot more sense than banning dollar stores."

A paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research this past year took a very exhaustive look at the relationship between food deserts, poverty, and nutrition. "THE GEOGRAPHY OF POVERTY AND NUTRITION: FOOD DESERTS AND FOOD CHOICES ACROSS THE UNITED STATES." Working Paper 24094 (

This paper helps provide a very rigorous empirical understanding of these relationships that can be leveraged for more effective policy and interventions to improve nutrition and health.

They used a very rich dataset consisting of:

1) Nielsen Homescan data - 60,000-household panel survey of grocery store purchases

2) Nielsen’s Retail Measurement Services (RMS) data - 35,000-store panel of UPC-level sales data (this covers 40% of all U.S. grocery store purchases)

3) Nielsen panelist survey data on nutrition knowledge

4) Entry and location data for 1,914 new supermarkets by zip code

Among the many findings uncovered in this data source was the following:

"over the full 2004-2015 sample, households with income above $70,000 purchase approximately one additional gram of fiber and 3.5 fewer grams of sugar per 1000 calories relative to households with income below $25,000."

Their data reflects what has been found in the public health literature in relation to low income households and nutritional health. In addition, household food purchase data was transformed using a modified version of the USDA's Healthy Eating Index (HEI) based on dietary recommendations. These various sources were brought together to give a very rich picture of household choice sets, retail environment, consumption patterns, and nutritional quality.

Using a regression based event study analysis and a structural demand model they examine the impact of supermarket entry on the nutritional quality of changes in food purchases. They also are able to separate the main drivers explaining the differences in the measured nutritional quality index (HEI) of food purchases between low and high income groups.

They model household and income group preferences using both constant elasticity of subsitution (CES) and Cobb-Douglass utility specifications. They apply this model to the rich data sources mentioned above using a Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) framework and use the model estimates to simulate policies that allow households of different incomes to be exposed to similar prices and product availability. (i.e. to make apples to apples comparisons and determine what's driving healthy vs. unhealthy food choices among low income households in food deserts vs. wealthier households).

Key Findings:

1) When new supermarkets open in what was formally a food desert, they find most of the changes in consumption are related to shifting purchases from more distant super markets to the new local super market. The change in the healthy eating index or substitutions away from unhealthy purchases from convenience and drug stores to more healthy food was minimal. This is because even in food deserts among low income households, willingness to travel was quite substantial and mitigated the lack of access to local healthy food.

" households in food deserts spend only slightly less in supermarkets. Households with income below $25,000 spend about 87 percent of their grocery dollars at supermarkets, while households with incomes above $70,000 spend 91 percent. For households in our “food deserts,” the supermarket expenditure share is only a fraction of a percentage point lower"

"one supermarket entry increases Health Index by no more than 0.036 standard deviations for low-income household"

They conclude that access to supply of healthy food or lack thereof explains only about 5% of the difference in the healthy eating index between low and high income households. Access does not appear to be driving the nutrition-income relationship.

2) Most of the differences in healthy vs unhealthy food choices by income group are driven by demand factors...i.e. preferences. When faced with the same choices and same prices, lower income households simply made purchases with a lower HEI.

"The lowest-income group is willing to pay $0.62 per day to consume the healthy bundle instead of the unhealthy bundle, while the highest-income group is willing to pay $1.18 per day."

They find that wealthier households value fruit three times the rate of lower income households and twice the rate for vegetables compared to lower income households.

Policy Implications

The authors reference studies by Montonen et al (2003) and Yang et al (2014):

"consuming one additional gram of fiber per 1000 calories is conditionally associated with a 9.4 percent decrease in type-2 diabetes" and consuming "3.5 fewer grams of sugar per 1000 calories is conditionally associated with a ten percent decrease in death rates from cardiovascular disease."

Improvements of the HEI definitely could be a driver for better health. However focusing on access may not be the greatest way to lever change. Certainly the correlations between income, food deserts, and healthy eating hold in this study and can be great flags to predict or identify which populations may need intervention. However, as this study points out the intervention should be based on theoretical and causal relationships that go beyond the supply of healthy foods and focus on aspects related to food preferences and demand. The authors conclude:

"For a policymaker who wants to help low-income families to eat more healthfully, the analyses in this paper suggest an opportunity for future research to explore the demand-side benefits of improving health education—if possible through elective interventions—rather than changing local supply."


Drichoutis, A.C., Nayga, R.M., Rouse, H.L. et al. Food environment and childhood obesity: the effect of dollar stores. Health Econ Rev 5, 37 (2015).


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Are Fruits and Vegetables Becoming Less Nutritious?

Here are some highlights from research on this topic:

--> Mineral nutrient composition of vegetables, fruits and grains is not declining.

--> Allegations of decline due to agricultural soil mineral depletion are unfounded.

--> Some high-yield varieties show a dilution effect of lower mineral concentrations.

--> Changes are within natural variation ranges and are not nutritionally significant.

--> Eating the recommended daily servings provides adequate nutrition.


Robin J. Marles, Mineral nutrient composition of vegetables, fruits and grains: The context of reports of apparent historical declines, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Volume 56, 2017,
Pages 93-103, ISSN 0889-1575,

HT: James Wong

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Addressing Gender Inequality in Developing Countries Through Crop Improvement

A lot of production related benefits of biotechnology have been discussed in the literature, for instance decreased greenhouse gas emissions (Brookes and Barfoot, 2017), reduction in exposure to toxic chemicals (Kouser & Qaim, 2011), and food safety(Munkvold et. al, 1999). However additional research indicates that there may also be social benefits related to gender equality as discussed in
Social and Economic Effects of Genetically Engineered Crops (National Academies of Science, 2016).

Below are some highlights from this research:

  • Women comprise a significant proportion of agricultural related labor in developing countries (~43%)
  • Women in developing countries face significant challenges related to access to education, information, credit, inputs, assets, extension services, and land 

The adoption of biotechnology in developing countries has had some mitigating effects:

  • In India biotechnology adoption (Bt cotton) resulted in increased work hours and income for women (Subramanian and Qaim, 2010)
  • Reduced exposure and freeing women from spraying toxic chemicals and related labor (Bennett et al., 2003; Zambrano et al., 2013; Zambrano et al., 2012; Smale et al., 2012)
  • Increased importance of women in decision making within households (Yorobe and Smale, 2012; Zambrano et al., 2013; Rickson et al., 2006


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources; Committee on Genetically Engineered Crops: Past Experience and Future Prospects. Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2016 May 17. 6, Social and Economic Effects of Genetically Engineered Crops. Available from:

Graham Brookes & Peter Barfoot (2017) Environmental impacts of genetically modified (GM) crop use 1996–2015: Impacts on pesticide use and carbon emissions, GM Crops & Food, 8:2, 117-147, DOI: 10.1080/21645698.2017.1309490

Bennett R, Buthelezi TJ, Ismael Y, Morse S. Bt cotton, pesticides, labour and health: A case study of smallholder farmers in the Makhathini Flats, Republic of South Africa. Outlook on Agriculture. 2003;32:123–128.

Kouser, S., Qaim, M., Impact of Bt cotton on pesticide poisoning in smallholder agriculture: A panel data analysis,Ecol. Econ. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.06.008

Comparison of Fumonisin Concentrations in Kernels of Transgenic Bt Maize Hybrids and Nontransgenic Hybrids. Munkvold, G.P. et al . Plant Disease 83, 130-138 1999.

Rickson ST, Rickson RE, Burch D. Women and sustainable agriculture. In: Bock BB, Shortall S, editors. Rural Gender Relations: Issues and Case Studies. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing; 2006. pp. 119–135.

Smale M, Zambrano P, Paz-Ybarnegaray R, Fernández-Montaño W. A case of resistance: Herbicide-tolerant soybeans in Bolivia. AgBioForum. 2012;15:191–205.

Subramanian A, Qaim M. The impact of Bt cotton on poor households in rural India. Journal of Development Studies. 2010;46:295–311

Yorobe JM Jr, Smale M. Impacts of Bt maize on smallholder income in the Phillipines. AgBioForum. 2012;15:152–162

Zambrano P, Smale M, Maldonado JH, Mendoza SL. Unweaving the threads: The experiences of female farmers with biotech cotton in Colombia. AgBioForum. 2012;15:125–137.

Zambrano P, Lobnibe I, Cabanilla DB, Maldonado JH, Falck-Zepeda J. Hiding in the plain sight: Women and GM crop adoption. Paper presented at the 17th ICABR Conference: Innovation and Policy for the Bioeconomy, June 18–21. Ravello, Italy: 2013.

GWP* Better Captures the Impact of Methane's Warming Potential

Understanding the differences in the way CO2 vs methane behaves is fundamental to understanding their respective roles impacting climate change, and personal and policy decisions related to mitigating future warming. A practical example, properly accounting for these differences, the global impact of U.S. beef consumption (or other ruminant food sources) over time in terms of carbon footprint (related to enteric emissions) could be even less than previously understood. Understanding this can help direct attention to those areas where we can make the biggest difference in terms impacting climate change.


 Allen, M.R., Shine, K.P., Fuglestvedt, J.S. et al. A solution to the misrepresentations of CO2-equivalent emissions of short-lived climate pollutants under ambitious mitigation. npj Clim Atmos Sci 1, 16 (2018) doi:10.1038/s41612-018-0026-8

"While shorter-term goals for emission rates of individual gases and broader metrics encompassing emissions’ co-impacts2,6,31 remain potentially useful in defining how cumulative contributions will be achieved, summarising commitments using a metric that accurately reflects their contributions to future warming would provide greater transparency in the implications of global climate agreements as well as enabling fairer and more effective design of domestic policies and measures."

See also:

A Green New Deal for Agriculture?

Religiousity, Beef, and the Environment

EconTalk: Matt Ridley, Martin Weitzman, Climate Change and Fat Tails

Some Beef Related Posts From the Incidental Economist

I'm a big fan of the Incidental Economist blog where I have learned a lot about healthcare economics. Recently healthcare economist Austin Frakt has shared some video monologues discussing meat, fake meat, health and the environment.

In the first video he discusses some recent research related to meat consumption and health, mainly there is no evidence that red meat presents a major health concern. And the challenge of observational data and research related to this:

However, in this  next video, I think the facts being referenced are making some assumptions that need clarification. Mainly, there seems to be an assumption that beef produced and consumed in the U.S. is exchangeable with beef produced in developing countries or that land devoted to beef production is exchangeable for land that could be used for food production purposes. Reducing consumption of beef in the U.S. likely won't have the impacts on consumption in other countries in the simplified way this story is often told.  U.S. beef accounts for .5% or less of global greenhouse gas emissions accounting for fossil fuel and grain consumption, as well as land use alternatives. And most of the land used for beef production isn't suitable for any other type of food production. Ruminants are able to convert inedible plant and fiber on marginal lands to highly palatable nutrient dense food sources. Adding a little grain (accounting for ~ 7% of the U.S. corn crop) can shorten the time grazing and increase production actually decreasing lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions.

n this final video, Dr. Frakt discusses how alternative/fake meat products are in fact NOT a healthier alternative to real beef: